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The Skills For Hope Foundation Award in Education

We are excited to announce our new partnership with University of British Columbia (UBC) offering an annual scholarship: The Skills For Hope Foundation Award in Education. The scholarship is for a deserving teacher candidate entering the B.Ed Secondary program. Our initiative underscores our commitment to supporting aspiring individuals in pursuing their academic and professional goals, nurturing community participation.

Scholarship Applications for 2024 are now Closed

The window for scholarship applications for the year 2024 has officially concluded. We extend our gratitude to every applicant for their submissions. Your efforts have resulted in a significant influx of deserving applications.

Rest assured, every application is currently undergoing thorough review by our team. We are committed to giving each submission the attention it deserves.

Recipients of the scholarship will be notified in due course. Please note that all decisions made in this process are final. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

39 Skills For Hope Scholarships Awarded in 2023

Skills For Hope Foundation awarded 39 scholarships to students across 17 post-secondary institutions in Canada.

7 Remote Internships Provided in 2023

Skills For Hope Foundation provided 7 remote internships to students attending 4 post-secondary institutions in Canada.

Skills for Hope Foundation Awarded Eighteen scholarships in 2022

In 2022, SFHF Awarded 18 Scholarships to students attending 8 Post-secondary Institutes, Colleges
and Universities in Canada.

Remote Internship Program

Since 2020 Skills For Hope Foundation has provided remote internship opportunities to Post-secondary students. Since 2020, students at UBC, SFU, KPU, OIES, McGill, York, and Douglas College have completed their Internships with SFHF. The internships with SFH have several benefits for the students. It provides practical experience in real-world settings, develops valuable skills, enhances employability, expands their network, nurtures confidence, develops professionalism and gives the students a greater understanding of the non-profit world.

Skills for Hope Foundation Awarded Twelve scholarships in 2021

Skills for Hope Foundation awarded 12 scholarships in 2021, to students studying at Canadian post-secondary institutions: BCIT, Simon Fraser University, UBC, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Dalhhousie, University of Victoria, Wilfred Laurier. Programs included Commerce, Natural Resource Conservation, Cybersecurity, Computer Systems Technology, Social Work, Nursing, Creative Non-Fiction, Restoration of Natural Systems, Counselling Psychology, Criminology and Digital Media. 

Our Innovative Remote Internship Program

Skills for Hope Foundation implemented an Innovative Remote Internship Program with 5 post-secondary students from UBC, SFU, KPU, McGill, as part of its Work Integrated Learning Program. Great Success with Great Impact! (2020) 

Donation of Activity Kits to Ronald Macdonald House, BC

Skills For Hope Foundation donated STEAM Activity Kits for the teens at Ronald Macdonald House, BC.

“This will have an impact on the lives of the seriously ill children, siblings and BC families who call RMH, BC, home each year”.

VSO School of Music Bursaries

Skills For Hope Foundation awarded bursaries to students at the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra,  School of Music.

“generous contribution means so much, especially during a time when so many of our students are facing uncertainty and financial difficulty”.
— VSO, School of Music.

Since 2012

Scholarships Awarded
Since 2012
Programs Implemented
Since 2012
Internships Provided
Since 2012